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More than 16 million people in the United States suffer from dry eye disease. This condition occurs when your tears are unstable and can’t provide adequate lubrication for your eyes. Dry eyes may result in the following symptoms:

  • Redness.
  • Tired eyes.
  • Blurry vision.
  • Stinging, burning sensation in the eyes.
  • Sandy or gritty feeling as if a foreign body is lodged in the eyes.
  • Watery eyes due to dryness that leads to irritation, resulting in excess tearing.
  • Sharp, dull pain in some parts of the eyes, behind them, or even around the orbit.

Prescriptions and Medications

There are two main specialized treatments for dry eye disease:


  • Treatments with ophthalmic solutions or suspensions. These are the most commonly used treatment for dry eyes. Ophthalmic solutions are sterile and specially prepared via eye instillation. On the other hand, ophthalmic suspensions refer to aqueous formulations that contain micronized forms of the drug particles. These types of treatments generally include artificial tears, eye drops, and therapeutics that carry sodium hyaluronate.



  • Treatments with punctal plugs. If these solutions or suspensions aren’t effective, your eye doctor may prescribe the use of a punctal plug. It’s a small device for dry eye treatment by lacrimal punctum closure. This means that the exit path for your tears will be artificially closed. This way, the tear outflow is suppressed, allowing a sufficient volume of tears to accumulate on the surface of your eyes.


Ways to Manage Dry Eyes at Home

There are several natural remedies to help you find relief from dry eye signs and symptoms, including:


  • Avoid dry or windy environments. Protect your eyes from environmental factors by buying a humidifier. This way, you can add air moisture to your home or office. It’s also highly advisable to wear appropriate eyewear whenever you venture outdoors.



  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Consuming a sufficient amount of omega 3-fatty acids offers a host of benefits. Not only will it lower your risk for heart disease and dementia, but it can also treat dry eye symptoms because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Foods rich in omega-3 include flaxseed, palm oil, walnuts, salmon, tuna, and fish oil supplements. It will also help if you boost your vitamins A, B12, and D levels.



  • Avoid alcohol and quit smoking. Drinking alcohol has been found to cause dehydration and affect your tear quality. Try to limit your alcohol intake or avoid it altogether. Cigarette smoke has also been discovered to affect your tear quality. Quit smoking if you don’t want to increase your risk of dry eye disease.



  • Stay hydrated and take frequent breaks. Drink at least eight cups of water throughout the day. This way, you can ensure that your eyes have sufficient lubrication to combat dry eyes. Staying hydrated is especially crucial if you reside in a hot or dry climate. Taking frequent breaks when you’re watching television, using your computer, or doing close work, such as reading, are also essential.


Are you looking to find relief from dry eye symptoms? Visit Advanced Eyecare Center PC in Urbandale, Iowa, today. Call us at (515) 303-4488 to schedule your eye exam.

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